| Please note: There may be FTD florists in the city you are searching, however at this time they do not participate in our On-line City Search.
| 3 options to choose from:
| In order of "Best Search" results:
1.) | Select ANY florist within our network of more than 8500 florist web sites.
Perform another search by entering a different city.
Your order will be wired to a filling FTD florist.
Note: You may incur an additional wire charge for this service.
2.) | Perform a search for your local "Favorite FTD Florist".
Your order will be wired to a filling FTD florist.
Note: You may incur an additional wire charge for this service.
3.) | Perform another search for a neighboring city closest to the recipient.
Your order may or may not need to be wired depending on the distance of the neighboring city.
Note: Again, you may or may not incur an additional wire charge for option #3.